Article |
Author |
Handy Circuits - Loudspeaker as a mic | | 1991-01 |
Simple Simon Seven - Direct Conversion Receiver | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1991-02 |
Power Supply for your QRP Equipment | | 1991-03 |
Two-band Short Dipole | Jack ZS2CI | 1991-04 |
Calibrating your digital readout | | 1991-04 |
DX-pedition to Ciskei | Al Akers ZS2U | 1991-04 |
Morse and Marconi - Forefathers of Ham Radio | | 1991-04 |
Solid State Relays | Ken Victor ZS2OC | 1991-04 |
Amateurs and Radio - Interesting story of progress | RJ Lambson | 1991-05 |
Junction Field Effect Transistors | Don Law VK2AIL | 1991-05 |
Overhauling the TH3 Tri-Band Beam | Desmond Greenham VK3CO | 1991-05 |
VHF QSO Party | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1991-06 |
Ham's Electronic Keyer | | 1991-06 |
Rebirth of the PE PBBS System | Lionel Coombe-Davis ZS2DD | 1991-06 |
Electronic Keyer | Tony Bailey G3WPO | 1991-06 |
Zero-beating on CW | Garth Laaks ZS2HB | 1991-07 |
CW Practice Oscillator | Heine ZS6BHZ | 1991-07 |
Morse is easy - When you do it right, part 1 | Garth Laaks ZS2HB | 1991-07 |
Update on Simple Simon Seven - Direct Conversion Receiver | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1991-07 |
Soldering Hints | Viv moore ZS2VM | 1991-07 |
2 Metre Quagi | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-08 |
6 Metre Yagi | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-08 |
Morse is easy - When you do it right, part 2 | Garth Laaks ZS2HB | 1991-08 |
Plastic conduit Quad for 6 Metres | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-08 |
2 Metre Slim Jim "Beam" - (Slim Jim + reflector) | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-09 |
String & Ripcord 2m Yagi, 11dB gain | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-09 |
Easy Field Strength Meter | | 1991-10 |
Transistorised FSM | | 1991-10 |
RF Probe for VTVM | | 1991-10 |
Overvoltage Protection | | 1991-10 |
Variable Voltage/Current Add-on for your CB Power Supply | Viv moore ZS2VM | 1991-11 |
Communicating thru a Satellite, part 1 | SA AMSAT's Satellite Guide | 1991-11 |
Communicating thru a Satellite, part 2 | SA AMSAT's Satellite Guide | 1991-12 |
6 to 10 metre Converter | Bud Voortman ZS2CA | 1991-12 |
Nicad Charger | Ronnie ZS5ABD | 1992-01 |
Mobile Gain Antenna | Schalk van der Merwe ZS2Y | 1992-02 |
2-Metre VSWR Bridge | MH Tooley G8CKT | 1992-02 |
Turnstile Antenna for Weather Satellites in the 137MHz band | Andre Botes ZS2ACP | 1992-03 |
Stirring or Leading the way? SARL AGM '92 report back | Garth Laaks ZS2HB | 1992-04 |
Antenna Matching Units | Amateur Radio July '91 | 1992-04 |
Flourescent Lights | Claude Steenkamp ZR1CU | 1992-04 |
Simple Simon Seven - Double Sideband TX | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1992-05 |
Amateur Radio and the 90's | | 1992-05 |
ZS2PE at the Bathurst Show - Worthwhile & Rewarding | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1992-06 |
Simple Simon Seven - Linear Amplifier Modules | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1992-06 |
Easy Grid Dip Oscillator | Practical Wireless June '84 | 1992-07 |
Portable 2-Metre J Antenna | Al Akers ZS2U | 1992-07 |
VHF/UHF Contest on 19/20 September | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1992-08 |
Checking Transistors | | 1992-08 |
Weather Facsimile gaining interest | | 1992-08 |
no articles | | 1992-09 |
About Lightning | RF Magazine | 1992-10 |
The Snake antenna | Peter ZS5XA | 1992-10 |
TV Interference filter for M-Net | Barry Jackson ZS2H | 1992-11 |
ZS2PE Digipeater on stream | Lionel Coombe-Davis ZS2DD | 1992-11 |
no articles | | 1992-12 |
no articles | | 1993-01 |
Elements for 1/4 wave Antennas | Alvin ZS5AES | 1993-02 |
Ciskei DX-pedition 1993 | Al Akers ZS2U | 1993-02 |
PACTOR - Dawn of a new Digital Revolution in Ham Radio | Colin Robertson ZS2CTR | 1993-03 |
Zippy Superhet Receiver, part 1 | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1993-03 |
Zippy Superhet Receiver, part 2 | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1993-04 |
Satellite Scene | Colin Robertson ZS2CTR | 1993-04 |
Novel Indicator for NICAD Charger | Viv Moore ZS2VM | 1993-04 |
Missing | | 1993-05 |
Satellite Scene | Colin Robertson ZS2CTR | 1993-06 |
Pre-amp for 2 Metres | Martin Layton ZS2ABN | 1993-06 |
UD Walkie 2M Transceiver, part 1 | Martin Layton ZS2ABN | 1993-07 |
Portable 2 metre J Antenna | Al Akers ZS2U | 1993-07 |
UD Walkie 2M Transceiver, part 2 | Martin Layton ZS2ABN | 1993-08 |
Micro-80 Mini-Transceiver | | 1993-09 |
Sporadic-E Watch | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1993-10 |
A simple 2m Antenna | | 1993-10 |
Very Short Helical Antennas for HF | Shaw ZS1I | 1993-11 |
Versatile Long-duration Auto-Shutoff timer | Brian Weller ZS2AB | 1993-11 |
Simple Simon Seven - Add-on RIT Control | Andre Botes ZS2ACP | 1993-12 |
Baycom Packet TNC Unit | Gary Laaks ZR2ABU | 1993-12 |
Missing | | 1994-01 |
10 Watt Amplifier for 2 Metres | ARRL Handbook | 1994-02 |
Build a VHF AM Air Band Receiver | | 1994-02 |
A simple Quad for TV reception | ZR6ARF | 1994-03 |
Components: Values and Ratings | | 1994-03 |
the truth about Antenna Gain | CQ Verwoerdburg Club | 1994-04 |
Hamnet News | Al Akers ZS2U | 1994-05 |
VW/Algoa Motor Rally update | Beavan Gwilt ZS2RL | 1994-05 |
Repeater Policy | Beavan Gwilt ZS2RL | 1994-05 |
Tips on catching that rare one | Fred Strut ZS2JS | 1994-05 |
Emergency Fish Pie | Barry Jackson ZS2H | 1994-05 |
The 70cm Amateur Band | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1994-05 |
Beacon Status | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1994-06 |
SWR Bridge for 2 metres & Below | Gerhard Baum ZS2UM | 1994-06 |
Jupiter and the Comet | Mike Bosch ZS2FM | 1994-07 |
Ham on the Hoof | Phil Hopper ZS2PP | 1994-07 |
Temporary VHF Communications | Christopher Scarr ZS2AAW | 1994-07 |
Om te Mors-e of Nie | Fanie Swiegers ZS2EM | 1994-08 |
Digital Readout for your Homebrew Rig | ZS1KE Ragchew March '90 | 1994-08 |
Testing QRP Only 2mW | Roger Davis ZS1J | 1994-08 |
Copy WEFAX satellites on your 2M RX | H Kulmus DJ8UZ | 1994-09 |
dB or not dB? Part 1 | Steve Williams ZS2WS | 1994-09 |
dB or not dB? Part 2 | Steve Williams ZS2WS | 1994-10 |