Initials |
Award Name
Notes |
ZS2AE | TN | Scarr | 25/09/1992 | Merit Certificate | Unstinting work on the Branch Repeaters |
ZS2AE | TN | Scarr | 16/05/2009 | Appreciation Award | Outstanding effort in providing for the catering at various club functions during the year, and for his dedicated assistance in maintaining the clubs repeater network |
ZS2AE | TN | Scarr | 18/05/2002 | Appreciation Award | QSX, also to ZR2EY |
ZS2AE | TN | Scarr | 22/05/2004 | Appreciation Award | Also to ZR2EY |
ZS2AFB | AF | Bouwer | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Repairs to Lady's Slipper container |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 07/06/2008 | Achievement Certificate | Hard work in producing QSX |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 23/06/2007 | Appreciation Award | QSX editing, compilation, printing |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 15/05/2010 | Appreciation Award | QSX editing, compilation, printing |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 17/05/2003 | Appreciation Award | Printing QSX each month at cost |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 10/06/2023 | Appreciation Award | QSX |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 21/05/2022 | Appreciation Award | Having taken over QSX and having done such an outstanding job of the publication |
ZS2AJ | A | Mulder | 13/05/2000 | Appreciation Award | Providing accommodation for Greg ZS2RE, Nicholas ZR2NDT and Marc ZR2BLK during the course of the SciFest |
ZS2AJ | A | Mulder | 18/05/2002 | Appreciation Award | SCIFEST |
ZS2AJ | A | Mulder | 22/05/2004 | Appreciation Award | |
ZS2AJ | A | Mulder | 19/05/2001 | Ham Spirit Trophy | (Callsign was ZR2A at the time) |
ZS2AJ (sk) | A | Ansell | 17/05/1997 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2AL | A | Le Roux | 03/06/2017 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Construction of a para sleeve 3 element HF beam, and Andrew specifically for the contruction and erection of his tilt-over tower, and mods done to a Yaesu HF Linear changing output tubes from 6KD6 to 811’s |
ZS2AO | C | Ashwell | 21/09/1985 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | |
ZS2AQ | MC | Otgaar | 10/06/2023 | Achievement Certificate | For his return to amateur radio after a 20+ year license lapse and now being very active on HF and 2m with a somewhat limited station |
ZS2AV | M | La Mude | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | SOTA activities throughout the year |
ZS2AW | D | Forsyth | 22/05/2004 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2AZR | T | Holmes | 22/05/2004 | Appreciation Award | |
ZS2AZR | T | Holmes | 21/05/2005 | Appreciation Award | |
ZS2BH | B | Haefele | 16/05/1998 | Achievement Certificate | Perseverance with the use of CW in spite of considerable difficulty |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 23/06/2007 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | HF TRX kit demonstrated at the PEARS monthly meeting |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 16/05/2009 | Merit Cup | |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 15/05/2010 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 21/05/2016 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | With Phillippe Mondon, FR5DN, covered 3245 km using SSB via Tropo Ducting on 7 October 2015 |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 03/06/2017 | Achievement Certificate | Getting permission to erect a tower and satellite antenna array in a retirement village in Lorraine! |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 19/05/2012 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | For having achieved WAC |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 19/05/2012 | HRO - Ham of the Year | |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 18/05/2013 | Merit Certificate | Achieving VUCC (ARRL VHF/UHF 100 Locator QSO's) using EME |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 19/09/1987 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Inaugural Ham Spirit Trophy award |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 18/05/2013 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Weekly reading of the SARL English bulletin |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 23/06/2007 | Appreciation Award | Sunday morning SARL HQ English bulletin reading |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 19/05/2018 | Appreciation Award | Reading the SARL new bulletin in English, every Sunday Morning |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Sunday morning SARL bulletin readings and Monday evening rebroadcasts |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Reading of the HQ bulletins |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 27/05/2006 | Appreciation Award | Reading SARL bulletins each Sunday |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 07/06/2008 | Appreciation Award | Reading the English SARL bulletin so competently every Sunday |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 17/05/2003 | Appreciation Award | Reading the SARL bulletin in English on Sundays |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 21/05/2005 | Appreciation Award | |
ZS2BO | A | Bowles | 23/06/2007 | Ham Spirit Trophy | VHF contest effort from far afield |
ZS2BW | D | Jacobs | 22/05/2004 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 23/06/2007 | Achievement Certificate | Moving QTH, setting up a mobile trailer station, setting up a new home station, keeping active on HF, and beating the odds prescribed by the medical profession. |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 13/05/2000 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | shared with ZS2ZG |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 19/05/2001 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 19/05/2001 | CW Merit Certificate | 1000 contacts |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 18/05/2002 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 17/05/2003 | Achievement Certificate | All band activity |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 16/05/1998 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 16/05/1998 | Merit Certificate | Organising the successful monthly Wrinkly Ravers' get togethers |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 17/05/2003 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2BWB | K | Tremeer | 22/05/2004 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2CR | CT | Robertson | 18/09/1993 | Merit Certificate | Providing numerous bulletins and relays on Sundays |
ZS2CR | CT | Robertson | 20/09/1991 | ZS2MIC DF Hunt Trophy | |
ZS2D (sk) | D | Ligthelm | 22/05/1999 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | |
ZS2DD | L | Coombe-Davis | 22/05/1999 | Appreciation Award | For repeater work and QSX production |
ZS2DD | L | Coombe-Davis | 21/06/2011 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2DD | L | Coombe-Davis | 21/09/1985 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | Aurthur Hemsley VHF trophy |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2022 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | • Team ZS2PE represented by ZR2BK, ZS2DH, ZS2DL and ZS2SG for having won the SARL National VHF contest |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2022 | Appreciation Award | Representing PEARS at national level as SARL Councillor |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Contests scoring |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | SOTA activities throughout the year |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 22/05/2021 | Achievement Certificate | POTA contact made from Addo to Kruger National Park |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 03/06/2017 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Excellent work done in generating interest amongst the youth, and for driving the Hammies ZS2ZU club and its activities, including a club container |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2016 | ZS2MIC DF Hunt Trophy | Organising the only DF Hunt activity in the past club year – on the JOTA day – using DF kits supplied by ZR2TX. |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 07/06/2008 | Appreciation Award | For seeing to the mailing of QSX every month |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 17/09/1983 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Extremely well-built linear amplifier |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 10/06/2023 | Appreciation Award | Mitch is always willing to help in machining difficult parts for antennae and homebrew projects. His workmanship is immaculate and the parts are not easily manufactured in the average workshop/shack. |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 19/05/2018 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Participation in HF |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 03/06/2017 | Achievement Certificate | Continued HF DX operations with seized rotator and poor propagation conditions notwithstanding! |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/06/2011 | Appreciation Award | Support of RAE and Schools |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 15/05/2010 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Technical workshop |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2022 | Merit Certificate | standing in as chairman at short notice and ensuring that continuity is maintained |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/06/2011 | Merit Cup | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 10/06/2023 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Always thinking of ways to motivate members through technical projects |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Conducting RAE classes |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 07/06/2008 | Merit Cup | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 10/06/2023 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Unanimously awarded for his DXCC achievement on 160 metres. Donovan becomes 2nd ZS2 to make it to 300 Confirmed DXCC entities on Digital modes, an outstanding achievement. |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2022 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | Team ZS2PE represented by ZR2BK, ZS2DH, ZS2DL and ZS2SG for having won the SARL National VHF contest |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 10/06/2023 | Appreciation Award | For conducting RAE classes and thereby boosting licensees in the PE area. |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 27/05/2006 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | In recognition of his on-air achievements |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Becoming the first ZS2 ever to make it onto the DXCC Honours Roll by having worked 331 of the 340 DXCC entities – that’s within 10 of ALL the existing entities worked! |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | Achievement Certificate | Pushing 160m contacts on this little-used band under trying conditions from within town |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Presenting the RAE twice a year and thereby increasing our ham numbers |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 25/09/1992 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 03/06/2017 | Merit Certificate | Running the RAE course, doing the HF assessments and getting students to pass their exams |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 18/05/2013 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Continuous effort he puts in, in presenting the RAE classes |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 15/05/2010 | Merit Cup | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 22/05/2021 | Appreciation Award | RAE classes |
ZS2DLF | DL | Field | 22/05/2021 | Appreciation Award | Assisting other hams with tower work |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 22/05/2021 | Appreciation Award | Competition co-ordinator |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 22/05/2021 | Achievement Certificate | WAZS 1000 |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 21/06/2011 | Appreciation Award | Promotion of ZS2PE in contests and QSX distribution |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 18/05/2013 | HRO - Ham of the Year | |