Initials |
Award Name
Notes |
ZS2U | AFA | Akers | 11/05/2020 | Merit Certificate | Contributions to members re antennas |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Technical workshop |
ZS2SG | S. | Gilbert | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Technical workshop |
ZS2ECH | EC | Hosten | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | QSX editorship |
ZS2RL | RB | Gwilt | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Contributions at events and newsreader volunteer |
ZS2AFB | AF | Bouwer | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Repairs to Lady's Slipper container |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 11/05/2020 | Appreciation Award | Contests scoring |
ZR2A | U | Ann | 11/05/2020 | Achievement Certificate | DX achievements |
ZS2WG | WB | Gerstle | 11/05/2020 | Ou Toppie Award | Presented at his QTH on 29 Feb 2020 |
ZS2PG | P | Galpin | 11/05/2020 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 11/05/2020 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2PA | A | Prideaux | 11/05/2020 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Various projects |
ZS2RT | C | Fife | 11/05/2020 | Merit Cup | 23 years as treasurer (?) |
ZS2ACP | A | Botes | 11/05/2020 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | |
ZS2JIM | J | De Scande | 11/05/2020 | Ham Spirit Trophy | |
ZS2NF | BJ | Nugent | 11/05/2020 | HRO - Ham of the Year | As proposed and motivated by Uli ZR2A |
ZS2MDL | M | De Lange | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Always willing to assist at events and for the financial contributions -donations of batteries) |
ZR2CRS | CR | Schroder | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Time and effort they put into the container project, at the scout hall |
ZS2JIM | J | De Scande | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Time and effort they put into the container project, at the scout hall |
ZS2ECH | EC | Hosten | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Many hours he puts in to producing interesting QSX’s |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Continuous effort he puts in, in presenting the RAE classes |
ZS2G | A | Gray | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | Assisting various members with tone boards for their radios and always willing to assist any member and in maintaining the repeaters, as well as running the Hamnet section. |
ZS2RT | C | Fife | 19/05/2018 | Merit Certificate | 25 years of service to the club as treasurer |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 19/05/2018 | Appreciation Award | Reading the SARL new bulletin in English, every Sunday Morning |
ZS2EHB | E | Bouwer | 19/05/2018 | Appreciation Award | Reading the SARL news bulletin in Afrikaans every Sunday morning. |
ZR2CRS | CR | Schroder | 19/05/2018 | Appreciation Award | Travelling to Knysna during the fires and the goods that he donated and distributed there. |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 19/05/2018 | Achievement Certificate | Operating on the Club’s call sign (ZS2PE) |
ZS2PJP | P | Pullinger | 19/05/2018 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2PP | P | Hopper | 19/05/2018 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 19/05/2018 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Participation in HF |
ZS2JIM | J | De Scande | 19/05/2018 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Portable HF man pack that he built |
ZS2AAW | CC | Scarr | 19/05/2018 | Merit Cup | Hard work and time he puts in, in keeping our repeater system up and running under trying circumstances, old equipment and having to travel long distances to do the repairs |
ZS2U | AFA | Akers | 19/05/2018 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | Running the 6 meter weekly net, which he has been doing for donkey’s years and being active on the 2 meter net on a Monday night. |
ZR2TX | T | Allen | 19/05/2018 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Attends the organizing committee meetings of the various events and then draws up a radio operator’s deployment schedule, does all the admin for the events. |
ZS2GV | G | Cummings | 19/05/2018 | HRO - Ham of the Year | Unwavering support with our repeater systems, building portable repeaters, for his daily involvement on the breakfast run and general advice and assistance given to those that ask. |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 03/06/2017 | Merit Certificate | Running the RAE course, doing the HF assessments and getting students to pass their exams |
ZS2FM | M | Bosch | 03/06/2017 | Merit Certificate | For many articles on VHF/UHF activities, and updating the PEARS national VHF and UHF contest and its scoring. |
ZS2GV | G | Cummings | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Tireless temporary repeater coverage provision for special events including Ironman PE |
ZR2TX | T | Allen | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Numerous VOC mannings at special events where radio hams provide communications |
ZS2VA | GL | Barker | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Many articles supplied to our QSX editor |
ZS2GHK | G | Kok | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Presentation of the Arduino course |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Always flying the ZS2PE flag high in competitions and on-air events |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 03/06/2017 | Appreciation Award | Weekly reading of the SARL English bulletin |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 03/06/2017 | Achievement Certificate | Getting permission to erect a tower and satellite antenna array in a retirement village in Lorraine! |
ZS2DK | M | Rundle | 03/06/2017 | Achievement Certificate | Continued HF DX operations with seized rotator and poor propagation conditions notwithstanding! |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 03/06/2017 | Achievement Certificate | Coming 1st in South Africa in the ARRL contest |
ZS2ACP | A | Botes | 03/06/2017 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Obtained his 30m DXCC. Also is less than 5x 80m JT65 contacts away from his 5 band DXCC certificate. Andre will be only the second ZS person to achieve this. He has also applied for WAZS900 certificate |
ZS2AL | A | Le Roux | 03/06/2017 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Construction of a para sleeve 3 element HF beam, and Andrew specifically for the contruction and erection of his tilt-over tower, and mods done to a Yaesu HF Linear changing output tubes from 6KD6 to 811’s |
ZS2PA | A | Prideaux | 03/06/2017 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Construction of a para sleeve 3 element HF beam, and Andrew specifically for the contruction and erection of his tilt-over tower, and mods done to a Yaesu HF Linear changing output tubes from 6KD6 to 811’s |
ZS2G | A | Gray | 03/06/2017 | Merit Cup | Dedicated support of the Hammies and new licencees involved in the RAE classes and all HAMNET activities |
ZS2ACP | A | Botes | 03/06/2017 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | Working V51 regularly on 6m and 4m meteor scatter |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 03/06/2017 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Excellent work done in generating interest amongst the youth, and for driving the Hammies ZS2ZU club and its activities, including a club container |
ZS2RL | RB | Gwilt | 03/06/2017 | HRO - Ham of the Year | Unwavering support at all events, sometimes sleeping on the floor in a tent, and for his daily involvement on the breakfast run, and general advice given to those that ask. |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | SOTA activities throughout the year |
ZS2G | A | Gray | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | SOTA activities throughout the year |
ZS2AV | M | La Mude | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | SOTA activities throughout the year |
ZS2ACP | A | Botes | 21/05/2016 | Merit Certificate | VHF contest achievements through the year - most notably the record set with Willem Badenhorst, ZS6WAB, covered 1184 km using FSK441 via Meteor Scatter on 6 September 2015 |
ZR2TX | T | Allen | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Rally comms organising |
ZS2GB | J | Ashworth | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Service to the club during his few years living in PE |
ZS2MR | M | Ras | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Always arranging the braai fires for events like the antenna testing days at Londt Park and the AGM |
ZS2EHB | E | Bouwer | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Sunday morning SARL bulletin readings and Monday evening rebroadcasts |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Sunday morning SARL bulletin readings and Monday evening rebroadcasts |
ZS2OC | K | Victor | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Generating social interest and organising field days at Londt Park |
ZS2U | AFA | Akers | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Generating social interest and organising field days at Londt Park |
ZS2FM | M | Bosch | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Updating the PEARS national VHF and UHF contest and its scoring (not present) |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | Presenting the RAE twice a year and thereby increasing our ham numbers |
ZS2VA | GL | Barker | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | QSX support with regular technical articles |
ZS2R | A | Whitehead | 21/05/2016 | Appreciation Award | QSX support with regular technical articles |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | Achievement Certificate | Pushing 160m contacts on this little-used band under trying conditions from within town |
ZS2TED | ES | Smook | 21/05/2016 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 21/05/2016 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | Becoming the first ZS2 ever to make it onto the DXCC Honours Roll by having worked 331 of the 340 DXCC entities – that’s within 10 of ALL the existing entities worked! |
ZS2VA | GL | Barker | 21/05/2016 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Raspberry Pi APRS suitcase project completed way before any other members had theirs going, for the Energy Monitor project detailed in QSX and for the CNC machine currently being developed. |
ZS2EZ | B | Murrell | 21/05/2016 | Merit Cup | Being the first ZS to get 300 DXCC entities confirmed on DIGITAL modes. Not an easy feat |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 21/05/2016 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | With Phillippe Mondon, FR5DN, covered 3245 km using SSB via Tropo Ducting on 7 October 2015 |
ZS2RL | RB | Gwilt | 21/05/2016 | Ham Spirit Trophy | Consistently being the first volunteer for ANY rally comms event, and for being available for them ALL. Also appreciated as being MC for the morning breakfast run on 650 |
ZS2DH | D | Higgs | 21/05/2016 | ZS2MIC DF Hunt Trophy | Organising the only DF Hunt activity in the past club year – on the JOTA day – using DF kits supplied by ZR2TX. |
ZS2GV | G | Cummings | 21/05/2016 | HRO - Ham of the Year | Arranging and making available the temporary repeater for special events and for the willingness to “climb every mountain” or in this case, every TOWER to assist members with antenna troubles, notwithstanding his own battles with whitehouse treatment and long travels for his saltmine activities |
ZS2FM | M | Bosch | 16/05/2015 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | For all his efforts with the Pears VHF Contest |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 16/05/2015 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | HF work using the ZS2PE call sign |
ZR2NT | N | Thomas | 16/05/2015 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | PIC programing and along those lines |
ZR2CRS | CR | Schroder | 16/05/2015 | HRO - Ham of the Year | Efforts with PTAR last year and the PEARS banners and the various other efforts on his behalf |
ZS2H | B | Jackson | 19/05/2012 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2HB | G | Laaks | 19/05/2012 | Ou Toppie Award | |
ZS2RT | C | Fife | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | For many years as Treasurer |
ZS2BL | R | Norton | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Reading of the HQ bulletins |
ZS2EHB | E | Bouwer | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Reading of the HQ bulletins |
ZS2GV | G | Cummings | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Readiness to assist with tower climbing |
ZS2AAW | CC | Scarr | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Tireless work on the repeater system |
ZS2ECH | EC | Hosten | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Doing a good job as QSX editor |
ZR2CRS | CR | Schroder | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Assisting with events and the donation of radio marshal bibs and a gazebo |
ZS2DL | D | van Loggerenberg | 19/05/2012 | Appreciation Award | Conducting RAE classes |
ZS2R | A | Whitehead | 19/05/2012 | ZS2AB Constructor's Trophy | Solar charger regulator |
ZS2EC | T | Potgieter | 19/05/2012 | Merit Cup | Activity on the air |
ZS2XD | G | Rautenbach | 19/05/2012 | ZS2OB DX Trophy | |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 19/05/2012 | W. Watson VHF Trophy | For having achieved WAC |
ZS2BK | A | van Deventer | 19/05/2012 | HRO - Ham of the Year | |
ZS2AG | A | Goosen | 15/05/2010 | Appreciation Award | QSX editing, compilation, printing |
ZS2ECH | EC | Hosten | 15/05/2010 | Appreciation Award | Excellent facilities organised at the NMMU for the SARL AGM |
ZS2GK | G | Kraut | 15/05/2010 | Achievement Certificate | Record achievement in the 2m contact with FR5DN |